The right way to give value to your customers’ voice
BESMARTCALL monitoring will allow you to identify potentially critical situations more easily and swiftly, while also simplifying contact centre governance.
Each call is monitored through a scanning, transcription, and analysis platform depending on your needs.
With BESMARTCALL, all telephone assistance, tele-selling, and telemarketing activities carried out by the contact centre become a valuable resource for improving the quality of the service offered, since all calls are recorded and automatically transcribed, indexed, categorised and analysed through text analysis systems.
BESMARTCALL is the only way to create real added-value and to ensure your tele-selling is fully monitored, since it lets you quickly extract detailed data and information from telephone calls, turning the vast quantity of data handled on the phone by your contact centre into an outstanding economic and competitive advantage.
BESMARTCALL extracts value from conversations with your customers by strategically analysing the content of the call for statistical purposes through sophisticated Speech Recognition systems. It then indexes this content and extracts information.
Thanks to our advanced Speech Analytics, you can: –
- Simply and instantly conduct customised analysis on an highest number of conversations;
- Intelligently extract information from masses of unstructured data that until now could not have been searched and were therefore unusable;
- Focus on comprehensive quality control of calls, avoiding the current reliance on random samplings;
- Highlight critical issues that would otherwise be undetectable without analysing the content of every single conversation.